Micro-aggressions and Unconscious Bias

Micro-aggressions and Unconscious Bias

Do I say comments to my friends unintentionally or unconsciously that are microaggressions?  A Microaggression is a “statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of...
Skin Color and White Women

Skin Color and White Women

There are folks that are discriminated against because of sex, age, religion or other categories, however, nothing is as showing as skin color.  It is easy to see skin color. I believe that the color of people’s skin should not matter because physically...
Racism: The Talk and White Privilege

Racism: The Talk and White Privilege

The talk is different very different for white and black Americans.  White privilege and systemic racism are always present when a police officer stops you.  Most people, even cops may not be aware of this bias.  I am not proud to say that I was not aware of it until...