(703) 626-5714 LAR@LARG.com

Training to Increase Self-Awareness and Productivity

Learning and…Reflective Growth helps you better relate to all employees, others on your team, and in your organization.   Building great employees and teams not only benefits your organization but improves morale and engagement.

Leadership Series

Provide your leaders with a customized series of classes created specifically for your culture.  Select your people for practical leadership classes for newer employees, managers or experienced leaders.

Many classes are available to choose from including:

  • Personal assessments (see below)
  • How to build a high performing team
  • How to deal with difficult people and situations
  • Strategy eats Culture for Breakfast
  • Many more…

Customized Classes

If you don’t have the bandwidth to create and facilitate training for your employees, we can help you!  What are your pain points?  Are your employees in need of training in any of these areas?

  • How to destress at work (Stress Stations)
  • Conflict Management
  • Priorities & Time Management
  • How to Communicate with multiple Generations
  • Many more…

    Team Building

    Learn more about yourself and others on your team with team-building exercises. These activities are helpful if your team is new and you need to bond, or if you have worked together for a while and need to restore motivation.

    Training is available for your entire team at every level of your organization.   Our staff provides customized training for teams in:

    • Higher Education
    • Corporate
    • Nonprofit
    • Community


    We administer, interpret results, and coach for action in order to help you to build trust, a stronger team and improve communication.

    • Lumina Spark Profile
    • MBTI™ – Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
    • EQ-i (Emotional Intelligence)
    • StrengthsFinder™
    • DiSC
    • Positive Intelligence
    • Others upon request

      Communication Skills

      Is there a lack of communication on your team? Do individuals have a hard time getting along? Take these training classes and develop better communication skills.


      • Crucial Communication
      • Difficult Conversations
      • Customer Service Training
      • Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

      Train the Trainer Training

      Learn the basics of classroom or instructor-led training. This course is based on the learning principles from the Association of Talent Development, formerly ASTD competencies. Participation is required and you will get a chance to practice what you learn. Additionally, this course includes prep for CPLP and video assessment feedback.

      Wellness Training 

      It is well known that Wellness is now very popular in the best organizations.  Participate in wellness training helps your team work better together. 

      Subjects covered include:

      • Intro to Wellness – Theories & Practical Uses at Work
      • Intro to Meditation
      • Affirmations to Get Your Goals Met
      • Gratitude Makes Things Easier

      I would love to hear from you directly. Please send me your questions and thoughts. You will receive a personal reply!

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