by loriroth | Jan 29, 2024 | goal setting, Journaling, lifelong learning, self-awareness
A Guide to Choosing Your Word and Feeling for the Year As the new year unfolds, many of us embark on the journey of setting goals, creating resolutions, and envisioning a brighter future. I’ve found that while traditional goal-setting methods are effective,...
by loriroth | Oct 19, 2023 | lifelong learning, Professional Development, self-awareness
By Beth Harris – a guest Navigating the journey to your ideal self is a path filled with obstacles and opportunities. This article unveils eight key strategies for self-improvement and lasting success. From embracing...
by loriroth | Jul 18, 2023 | Adult learning, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, lifelong learning, self-awareness
Being self-aware leads to success. According to a Cornell Study reported that “A high self-awareness score was the strongest predictor of overall success.” We all wish to be successful in business and life. First, let’s define...
by loriroth | Jul 13, 2023 | Adult learning, communication, Emotional Intelligence, self-awareness
I am so lucky to have a best friend who is so similar to me. Yes, we have our differences, however, we have similar values and that is so important in a friendship relationship. She was distraught when she called me at the beginning of the year. “We have to set...
by loriroth | Mar 26, 2023 | Emotional Intelligence, Journaling, lifelong learning, mindset, self-awareness
We all have many dimensions to our personality, to our soul, to our lives. According to many models such as the Johari Window. We have sides we don’t even know about. The sides that others see and we don’t see, or even sides that no one ever sees. The...
by loriroth | Nov 30, 2020 | racism, self-awareness
There are folks that are discriminated against because of sex, age, religion or other categories, however, nothing is as showing as skin color. It is easy to see skin color. I believe that the color of people’s skin should not matter because physically...