by loriroth | Feb 24, 2025 | Adult learning, coaching, Employee Development, human resources, lifelong learning, Professional Development, self-awareness, Training
Soon you will find yourself in front of a room full of eager learners, ready to impart your wisdom. Except… you’re also battling a nagging voice in the back of your head whispering, “What do you know? They’re going to find out you’re...
by loriroth | Jan 7, 2025 | affirmations, decision making, Emotional Intelligence, goal setting, Journaling, lifelong learning, mindset, Relationships, self-awareness, strengths
Each year I decide on a word and a feeling I will use throughout the year. Many people create goals or have dreams and wishes for what they want for the new year. I do develop goals; however, I find that simple seems to work better for me. A word of the year (WOTY)...
by loriroth | Dec 31, 2024 | lifelong learning
It is now the last day of 2024 and I am closing out the year. I believe that it is very important to go into the new year knowing what I want and what I do not want. This way I can intentionally plan to meet my goals and have the result that I anticipate. I would...
by loriroth | Jul 18, 2024 | communication, decision making, Focus, Journaling, Leadership, lifelong learning, Professional Development
Have you heard the story about the three blind men and the elephant? That is exactly what happens each time you go into a meeting without taking notes. Sure, some meetings are fantastic – everything goes as planned and agendas are...
by loriroth | Jun 11, 2024 | lifelong learning
June is National Pride Month in the United States, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of my experiences facilitating Safe Zone Classes. My co-facilitator and I recently wrapped up five online Safe Zone LGBTQ+ classes for a nationwide...
by loriroth | May 10, 2024 | Leadership, lifelong learning, Professional Development, Training
Leadership retreats are critical to team bonding and personal and professional development. With the second quarter winding down, summer vacations looming, and the potential for scattered schedules, now’s the perfect time to start planning your leadership...