It is now the last day of 2024 and I am closing out the year. I believe that it is very important to go into the new year knowing what I want and what I do not want. This way I can intentionally plan to meet my goals and have the result that I anticipate. I would like to share with you the way that I close out my year each year. This is a “formula” that I have used for so long that I forgot where I first found the original. I’ve also modified it many times over the years. Hopefully, you will use this method or one like this to close out your year and prepare to get the results that you wish for in 2025.
First to wrap up 2024, I get my journal and find a quiet place where I will not be disturbed for about an hour or so. Luckily, I live in Florida and I find that writing outside is my favorite place for quiet. I write a list of pros and cons from the last year. The pros are things that went well for me. The cons are things that did not go so well. I learn from the cons and celebrate the pros.
I use the wellness wheel (some people call it a coaching wheel) to measure exactly which aspect of my life feels good and where I would like a change. I’ve been using this tool in some form or another since college. The wheel can have as many dimensions as you would like. I rate each category then I decide if I am satisfied with my life for each dimension. If I am satisfied I list this in the pros. If I want more I put it in the cons and add it to my goals list.
Relationships are a part of the wellness wheel; however, I make this a separate part of my year close out. I rate my relationship health. In this section, I write in my journal which of my family, friends, clients, and acquaintances I enjoy and give me joy. I also decide which drain my energy. I decide to spend more time with the people who give me joy and less and less time with the people who are my energy vampires. I’ve told that this is very difficult with family, however, I’ve found that setting boundaries with family is a skill many of us still need to learn.
I have spent a lifetime accumulating all types of habits, both good and bad. My good habits are as simple as brushing my teeth regularly or as difficult as keeping a journal and meditation practice. My bad habits center around my health. I need to eat less and move more. It is important to know your good and bad habits so you can switch a bad one for a good one. For example, instead of eating by the TV, I decided to eat at the table with no distractions. That is supposed to help with more mindful eating. An excellent book for this is Atomic Habits by James Clear.
My top Strengthsfinder strength is Learner so this is my favorite way to close out the new year. I make a list of all of the things I learned in the closing year and what I would like to learn in the new year. I took a CEO series of classes from the local Career Source and attend my SHRA/SHRM meetings. Learning is my thing. However, sometimes I have a tough time learning a huge amount. For me, learning Spanish is always on my lists. I even got the translating ear buds for Christmas and sleep with a copy of Spanish for Dummies on my nightstand. Next, I decide what I wish to learn in the new year, find the classes and dates, and sign myself up and put it on the calendar. That is very important to actually do the action instead of just writing it down.
The next step is to dream big! I brainstorm all the things I want to happen in my life. Usually, I don’t think as big as I should because I am practical. Don’t be practical here. Write all of the things you want – not need. I also use my vision board to give me ideas. Try not to put money because it is usually a means to the end that you want. For example, I want $10 million dollars in my bank account actually means that I would like to be financially independent and not have to think about money.
The one thing
Overwhelm is real. When I began my goal setting and getting journey I made the mistake of setting too many goals. I realized that when I only concentrated on one thing, I reached my goal quicker. When I set too many goals, I didn’t reach any. In this step, I choose one thing from the list of dreams. I turn this into a SMART goal. The most important step in a SMART goal is to set a date. Know when you want this goal to happen.
Finally, I write my new goal on the first page of my journal for the new year. I break down the goal into chunks and then break it into action steps. I add these action steps to my calendar so I will do them on time. Working backwards from when I wish to achieve my goal, I write these small steps on my online calendar. I found that if I do one thing a week, I usually reach my goal quicker.
Close out
Reflecting on the past year is an excellent method to going forward in the new year. It gives closure and an intentional method to create what you really want and not just what life gives you. Sometimes, if you don’t take control of your life, dreams, and goals – someone else will. Be intentional. Get what you want to “Be your best YOU”!
Also, please check out my blog about Word of the Year and Feeling of the Year.