by loriannroth | Apr 3, 2017 | Journaling, self-awareness
What are some benefits of Journaling? It all started when I was 12 years old and my parents left me in the car as they went shopping for two hours. I had to entertain myself (yes, they could do that back then). I had purchased a small book with a horse on the cover...
by loriannroth | Mar 26, 2017 | Emotional Intelligence, self-awareness, Uncategorized
When I describe what I teach, so many people say that they know someone who needs this training. I hear stories such as “My co-worker is so awkward that he shared with our boss that he (the co-worker) is lazy and only does the minimum” or “Joe is...
by loriannroth | Mar 1, 2017 | Interview skills, soft-skills, strengths, Uncategorized
What is your greatest strength? Marcus Buckingham said, “Teams that use strengths, massively and consistently out preform teams that don’t use their strengths every day even if you are slightly positively deluded as to what your strengths are...
by loriannroth | Feb 24, 2017 | Emotional Intelligence, strengths
Harassment makes this is the most difficult blog that I have written because it is so personal and evokes horrible feelings. It started when Woz, a friend from college, messaged me for some help. Her daughter, lets call her Karen, was having some problems in the...
by loriannroth | Feb 7, 2017 | Generations, lifelong learning
Does having a best friend at work increase productivity? I was teaching a class today and this item came up in conversation. Gallup’s research says “yes”. Having a best friend at work means workers are more likely to report that they are...