Each year I decide on a word and a feeling I will use throughout the year. Many people create goals or have dreams and wishes for what they want for the new year. I do develop goals; however, I find that simple seems to work better for me. A word of the year (WOTY) is a word that sums up all your dreams, wishes, and goals that you want for the new year. A feeling of the year (FOTY) is how you want to feel for the year. I compiled some quick steps to make creating the WOTY and FOTY easy for you this year. Hopefully, it will work for you.
Word of the Year
Choosing a Word of the Year is a personal process. You can’t make a mistake here. It is an intentional way to focus your energy for the entire year. You should choose a word that is meaningful to you. Here are some tips on how to create your word.
Reflect on Last Year
At the end of every year, I write down what went right and what I would have wanted to change. I make a list of pros and cons. I have a formula for how to reflect intentionally on the last year. If you would like to read more about it check out my blog post from December 2024. Once I have all of this information, I decide if something was missing from the last year that I want or something that I want to continue. For example, if I have been working out regularly and want to focus on better health; my word could be health, gym, workout, running, strength or healthy.
Analyze your Goals for 2025
Another way to decide which word to use is to look at your goals. If your main goal is health-oriented, have a word to describe the type of health or just use Health. If your goal is financial use terminology that makes sense. For example, I want to save more money. My goal is to save for a new car to pay for in cash. I try to stay away from money goals because money is a means to some end (usually). Some words for this scenario could be car, Jeep, wealth, or finances.
Values Matter
A WOTY could also be one of your values. I have a list of my 5 top values and try to make major decisions about my life and career based on these values. One year my WOTY was Freedom. Independence is important to me and freedom had a nice ring to it (you know, like “let freedom ring”). During that year I would use the word to guide my life to make me feel more independent. For example, working for a corporation/organization or working for myself. My word of the year helped me make that decision one year.
Strength, Quality, or Characteristic
Is there a certain quality or characteristic you are hoping to add to your toolbox? I love the Gallup Strengths assessment. If you have not taken this quick assessment, it is life-changing. It will show your top 5 strengths (at work). My top strength is “Learner”. If I wanted to create a WOTY based on this strength it might be Learn, Read, Explore, or Study. You can also base it on any quality or Characteristic you are hoping to strengthen. For example, I want to have more confidence in my ability to market myself. I could use the words, Confidence, Courage, Expert, or Leader.
Feeling of the Year
Choosing a Feeling of the Year is a very personal process. A wise man once told me that “feelings are neither right nor wrong, they just are”. So, you can’t go wrong because this feeling is just for you! Here are some tips on how to create your FOTY.
Same as Above
Use some of the tips above to help create your feeling of the year. You can base your FOTY on your strengths, qualities, characteristics, values, or goals. Using your intuition is helpful here. Sometimes you just know what you want to feel more of in this year. For example, I want to feel more JOY! That is my feeling for this year. I could have chosen Happiness, Love, Ecstasy, or Bliss. I brainstormed with the help of a thesaurus to find the exact feeling for me.
Keep it Simple (KISS) and Adjust if Necessary
Don’t think too hard about the “perfect” word or feeling. You can always change your word or feeling if it is not working for you. Be patient if your word or feeling is not appearing right away. You may have to come back to it another day. I always sleep on it. Before I fall asleep, I ask myself to dream about my word of the year. Also, when I wake up, I remember how I felt in my dreams.
Use it
Be sure to write down your word and your feeling in a journal or incorporate it on your vision board. Here are some other ways to use your WOTY and FOTY.
- Create a screensaver on the computer
- Think about your word often each day
- Use it to help you with your decision-making or in your stress management
- Meditate using your word
- Try to feel your feeling at least once a day
- Share your word with other people.
- Talk about your feelings and ask others what their word is or if they have a WOTY or FOTY
- Journal about your word and feeling
By intentionally choosing and consciously incorporating your Word and Feeling of the Year into your life, you can create a more intentional and fulfilling year. Please let me know what your WOTY or FOTY is for 2025.
#wordoftheyear #self-awareness #Strengths

My word of the year is: Learn!
My feeling is: Peaceful
Thanks for the inspiration to do this!