Racism: The Talk and White Privilege

Racism: The Talk and White Privilege

The talk is different very different for white and black Americans.  White privilege and systemic racism are always present when a police officer stops you.  Most people, even cops may not be aware of this bias.  I am not proud to say that I was not aware of it until...
Racism When Karen Cries… Wolf

Racism When Karen Cries… Wolf

This is my third blog on racism. Having a Karen cry “Wolf!” is one of the racist lessons I’ve learned recently and wish to share with you. What is a “Karen”?  I had no idea, but I knew it was not good.  Whenever I hear a new slang term my first move...
The NFL, Racism, and me

The NFL, Racism, and me

What does NFL football have to do with racism?  I have always loved football and was more than excited that the first 2020 season games are starting.  Due to COVID we missed the pre-season and the football camps did not include fans. But the recent racism news did not...
My Expedition into Racism

My Expedition into Racism

I chose the word expedition because I visualize myself exploring the controversial and possibly dangerous territory of racism.  Racism and white people are two terms that educated, progressive, and compassionate white people may think only apply to the KKK or white...