by loriannroth | Mar 26, 2017 | Emotional Intelligence, self-awareness, Uncategorized
When I describe what I teach, so many people say that they know someone who needs this training. I hear stories such as “My co-worker is so awkward that he shared with our boss that he (the co-worker) is lazy and only does the minimum” or “Joe is...
by loriannroth | Feb 24, 2017 | Emotional Intelligence, strengths
Harassment makes this is the most difficult blog that I have written because it is so personal and evokes horrible feelings. It started when Woz, a friend from college, messaged me for some help. Her daughter, lets call her Karen, was having some problems in the...
by loriannroth | Jan 23, 2017 | Emotional Intelligence, lifelong learning
Are you a motivational listener? “I need to keep my mouth shut”, Debbie said as we were discussing talking to people of all nationalities and backgrounds on our trip to Cuba. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Debbie is one of the...
by loriroth | Nov 29, 2016 | Emotional Intelligence
or how emotional intelligence can save your life I was teaching a class on Emotional Intelligence to a group of men who were various ages. The Amygdala hijack and the pause between stimulus and response (Viktor Frankel) were the topics of the moment....