
Learning and... Blog by Lori Ann Roth PhD
The closing of another year 2024

The closing of another year 2024

It is now the last day of 2024 and I am closing out the year.  I believe that it is very important to go into the new year knowing what I want and what I do not want. This way I can intentionally plan to meet my goals and have the result that I anticipate.  I would...

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Micro-aggressions and Unconscious Bias

Micro-aggressions and Unconscious Bias

Do I say comments to my friends unintentionally or unconsciously that are microaggressions?  A Microaggression is a “statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of...

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Skin Color and White Women

Skin Color and White Women

There are folks that are discriminated against because of sex, age, religion or other categories, however, nothing is as showing as skin color.  It is easy to see skin color. I believe that the color of people’s skin should not matter because physically...

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Racism: The Talk and White Privilege

Racism: The Talk and White Privilege

The talk is different very different for white and black Americans.  White privilege and systemic racism are always present when a police officer stops you.  Most people, even cops may not be aware of this bias.  I am not proud to say that I was not aware of it until...

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Racism When Karen Cries… Wolf

Racism When Karen Cries… Wolf

This is my third blog on racism. Having a Karen cry "Wolf!" is one of the racist lessons I've learned recently and wish to share with you. What is a “Karen”?  I had no idea, but I knew it was not good.  Whenever I hear a new slang term my first move is to google and...

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The NFL, Racism, and me

The NFL, Racism, and me

What does NFL football have to do with racism?  I have always loved football and was more than excited that the first 2020 season games are starting.  Due to COVID we missed the pre-season and the football camps did not include fans. But the recent racism news did not...

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My Expedition into Racism

My Expedition into Racism

I chose the word expedition because I visualize myself exploring the controversial and possibly dangerous territory of racism.  Racism and white people are two terms that educated, progressive, and compassionate white people may think only apply to the KKK or white...

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Change and Chaos

Change and Chaos

Protesters may be creating chaos; however, they expect great change.  If you are not protesting by marching and carrying signs, you may still wish for change.  After years of studying organizational development and change, I would like to share a...

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Five ways to deal with Uncertainty

Five ways to deal with Uncertainty

Are you worrying? Are you afraid?  I wouldn’t blame you.  These are crazy times.  There is so much uncertainty.  “Now, I just need to figure out how to sleep through the night.  I wake up around 3 – 4 for no good...

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Do overs are OK!

Do overs are OK!

February 31, 2020. I didn’t think a do over would work, but I was wrong.  I told my husband not to get me anything for Valentine’s day.  “We are on a budget”, I stated.  Then, I found the card I had given him last year.  It...

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Feeling for the Year

Feeling for the Year

Many of us set goals for the new year.  I usually start in December, just so I can have my goals crystal clear by January 1 of the new year.  This year I’ve been slow setting my goals because I want to get something...

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I’m fixin’ to do that… Setting Goals Now

I’m fixin’ to do that… Setting Goals Now

I used to hate that saying! I heard it for the first time when I moved to Plano, Texas, a suburb of Dallas.  To me the saying meant that I am thinking about doing that – maybe.  It is even worse than procrastinating.  It is planning to plan.  My...

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Staying Current with Professional Development

Staying Current with Professional Development

There is no doubt that we need to stay current on the latest in our industry.  Are you too busy working in your job and not on your own job? Do you have many responsibilities in your personal life to even think about taking the time to improve at work? There are...

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Feedback for Gen Y and Gen Z

Feedback for Gen Y and Gen Z

It has been said that the latest generations require more feedback than previous generations.  I am not a GenY or GenZ employee but I have worked with many.  I also get quite a bit of feedback from all generations during the classes I teach.  I ask...

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Forget the Golden Rule: It’s all About Platinum

Forget the Golden Rule: It’s all About Platinum

We all know the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. According to Wikipedia, the Golden Rule can be “found in some form in almost every ethical tradition”.  Most people in the US have heard of it from the Bible. “You shall not take vengeance...

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Common Sense is NOT Common Anymore

Common Sense is NOT Common Anymore

“That is just plain common sense” said one of the participants in my Business Professionalism class. “Everyone knows not to do that.” I heard another person snicker.  Is this true? Does every employee in your organization know what to do and what not to...

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YET Mindset

YET Mindset

As most of you know I am a goal setter.  I set goals in December/January for the entire year. Last year I set too many goals, but this year I have only 4.  I help employees learn about SMART goals and daily tasks.  I thought I had adequate knowledge and skills in this...

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How do you challenge yourself to change?

How do you challenge yourself to change?

(MBTI Thinking vs Feeling; stretching my preferences) I decided to intentionally do something different.  I have been going to the ATD International Conference and Expo for about 12 years and this year I changed my game plan.  Usually, during the conference,...

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Leadership Class; sharing a more meaningful life?

Leadership Class; sharing a more meaningful life?

Some days the world just comes together and I feel like I really made a difference in people’s lives.  Helping adults learn and grow is always rewarding but this particular experience was mesmerizing and special. I was teaching a leadership class to faculty and...

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Word for the Year 2018

Word for the Year 2018

Each year I choose a word or phrase that I think about for the entire year.  This word helps me to focus more specifically on my goals.  I learned about the one word from my business coach, Sheri Kaye Hoff.  Then, I researched on Google to see if this is a "thing"...

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Just Be – Feeling Grace

Just Be – Feeling Grace

I could not sleep the other night.  I kept waking up, tossing and turning.  Next, I would try to relax myself with good thoughts and meditation.  Then, I finally felt wide awake and got out of bed at 4:30 am.  I went downstairs, got my dog out of her crate and went to...

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Never Worry Again!

Never Worry Again!

Hurricane Irma really took a toll on Florida.  Not only was there physical damage, there was emotional damage.  Most people do not like change and evacuation was quite a change.  Many people in Florida are still reacting to these changes even though the hurricane...

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12 Benefits of Journaling

12 Benefits of Journaling

What are some benefits of Journaling? It all started when I was 12 years old and my parents left me in the car as they went shopping for two hours. I had to entertain myself (yes, they could do that back then).  I had purchased a small book with a horse on the cover...

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Dream Big and Choose Joy!

Dream Big and Choose Joy!

Dream Big! Happy New Year 2017!  It seems that everyone that I talk to is so excited and looking forward to a new start this year.  2016 was challenging for most of us.  My year was particularlly difficult because I set my goals high and I had some...

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Happy Holidays – be joyful

Happy Holidays – be joyful

Learning and Reflective Growth is not just the name for my company, it is my passion.  My number one strength according to Gallup's Strengthsfinder (C) is Learner.    My wonderful business coach suggested that I put pictures on my blog - people are visual.  My first...

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Outrageous Abundance

Outrageous Abundance

Yes, self-development is my "thing".  As I was researching "Mission in Life", "what is your purpose in life" and other such topics I happened upon a daily quote application from Ester and Jerry Hicks (Abraham).  I've read a lot of their books and materials so I opted...

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I almost died surfing on South Beach

I almost died surfing on South Beach

or how emotional intelligence can save your life I was teaching a class on Emotional Intelligence to a group of men who were various ages.  The Amygdala hijack and the pause between stimulus and response (Viktor Frankel) were the topics of the moment....

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Goals:  Setting and Getting

Goals: Setting and Getting

Many people talk about goal setting but I wish to discuss goal getting.  Sure there are millions of articles and coaches who have given us ways to set goals.  There is a ton of literature about goal setting.  I do believe that you must set a goal...

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The meaning and purpose of life

The meaning and purpose of life

Recently, I have been on a month's challenge to meditate and exercise each day.  I have noticed that for some reason I am listening other's messages better than I ever have before.  Waiting to hear all of what someone is saying - clarifying if i don't understand and...

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Do you know your strengths?

Do you know your strengths?

Recently I was teaching life and communication skills to inmates at a Jail in south Florida.  The Sheriff's office decided that this would be a great idea to learn these skills before they were released.  I have facilitated many audiences in my day (30 years) but this...

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Fishing for Self-awareness

Fishing for Self-awareness

Last week, Wednesday, I was surprised when I looked out my office window to see my neighbor and his buddies fishing in the lake.  "It is 10am.  They should be working.  Oh, maybe they had the day off and there really must be some fish in that lake. " My thoughts were...

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Teams and Trust

Teams and Trust

Recently, I was working with a team of people and they did not know each other personally or professionally.  There was a lack of trust because they had no idea how their jobs related with their "team mate's" jobs.  This is so amazing to me but once I...

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Not wind, nor rain, nor Hurricane

Not wind, nor rain, nor Hurricane

Yes, I did get the hurricane at my home in Florida.  The weather service said that the worse of the storm will be from Thursday night into Friday.  On Wednesday I was alone in the house working when the storm hit.  Boy, did she hit.  Wind and rain...

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Relaxed “Action”

Relaxed “Action”

Are you one of those people who just cannot relax.  Doing, doing, doing???  If you are not, YOU, my friend are one of the lucky ones.  I have a to-do list.  Yes, I am a list maker.  I print it out each evening for the next day.  It is pretty special too! There...

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Don’t be afraid of yourself

Don’t be afraid of yourself

What do you know about yourself?  Are you independent or are you comfortable asking for help?  Let's use the example of emotional intelligence; there is a teeter-totter effect.  I don't want to be to independent and I do not wish to be too dependent. I...

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Starting Over – Transition

Starting Over – Transition

What would you do if you were told my your email host that they deleted all of your emails and folders for the last 17 years.  That all you have is a brand new email starting today?  Well that is exactly what happened to me.  How did I handle it?  Disbelief - there...

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Connectedness via Technology

Connectedness via Technology

So, I still do not have email folders yet on Sunday morning, however, they got my email to work on my computer.  Well, email from Saturday only.  I am not updating my phone yet because I can still see my folders there - but email does not work.  I...

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Technology:  It is great when it works…

Technology: It is great when it works…

So, my email has been down since 4:25am on Friday.  That means that all day on Friday I had no email!!!  So, I have been doing other things such as working on this blog. I usually don't use  that much email on the weekends, however, I was surprised how...

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diff sits bot

Experienced Trainer Videos

Lori Ann Roth Ph.D. CPTD interviews experienced trainers.  Watch these experienced professionals tell their stories about how they started and where they are now.  Learn tips, tricks and fun facts.  Great for a new trainer starting out or an experienced trainer who needs a bit of motivation.  These stories are fun, exciting and educational.

I would love to hear from you directly. Please send me your questions and thoughts. You will receive a personal reply!

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